The Legal Dimension every Project needs
We will help you in conducting regulatory research, reassert EU values in a legally binding manner and define your technology’s place in the emerging EU voluntary standards. With us onboard your technology will go from a whiteboard concept into a real-life implementation.
Providing legal depth and wholeness of a project proposal
Reassert EU Values
Create a legally binding packages that will integrate the EU principles and values with a particular technology and its applications , and Execution.
Regulatory Research
Overview of Union and national legislation concerning the technology in question, rights and obligations of the users and adopters.
Voluntary Standard
Analysis on existing and formulation of compliant voluntary standards for adoption and dissemination of technological advances.
We’re Good with Numbers
Years of Experience
Qualified Experts
Clients Every Year
Intl. Partners
We build the Future
Alis Grave Nil can assist technologies to be shining in their interactions with the real economy. By providing a pathway towards human-centric implementation - be it in AI, DLT, ICT, life sciences or advanced materials - the project applying for EU funding will increase its chances to be selected.
As part of a consortium we can contribute towards increasing the quality of a proposal, aligning it with the strategic goals and values of the EU and ultimately supporting the friction-less
implementation of the technology in the market.
In the coming years technologies and products will compete not only with performance metrics, but also with values and regulatory positioning. This is the premise of the EU’s strategic documents and our motivation to suggest our services as a consortium member.
Let’s Work Together